Bnei Mitzvah
Bnei Mitzvah
Getting Started at a Glance
When your child is entering 6th grade, call to make an appointment to meet with the Rabbi and Administrator. Bring 3 potential dates you have in consideration for the bar/bat mitzvah date to the meeting. The Rabbi will advise you on the merits of the dates, and you'll sign a contract and fulfill financial obligations. Ten months prior to the date Jessie will work with you to arrange tutoring your child. The rabbi will hold approximately four 45 minute sessions with your child to study the Torah portion and discuss the B'nei Mitzvah experience together, which will produce the D'var Torah to be delivered by the B'nei Mitzvah. Please find the B'nei Mitzvah timeline here
B'nei Mitzvah Handbook
Please find the Bnei Mitzvah handbook here. Please contact Morah Jessie or the office with any questions.
Financial Obligations and Food Policies
Please find more information about the Financial Obligations, Food Policies, and Collations, here
The Honors List
Just a few days before your family's B'nei Mitzvah you will meet with Rabbi Sammy. This serves as a chance to take pictures, since you cannot take them during Shabbat. You will have a 'dress rehearsal' in the Sanctuary, so everyone knows what to expect, and the Rabbi will go through the Honors with you. If you have not already done so, please print out the Honors List Sheet below and give some thought to which family members and friends you'd like to honor. When you meet with the Rabbi, you can discuss it with him so everyone is literally on the same page.
B'nei Mitzvah Printed Program
You may wish to print a program to guide your guests, Jewish and non-Jewish, through the service. You can also take this opportunity to thank those who have helped the B'nei Mitzvah student reach this day. You can omit this program, or make it as elaborate or simple as you like.
Ner Tamid - The Venue for a Memorable Bar/Bat Mitzvah
The ideal Bar Mitzvah or Bat Mitzvah has many components. Mark Baker, the architect and synagogue member who designed our dream synagogue with love is the ideal physical location for your son's Bar Mitzvah and your daughter's Bat Mitzvah. Come visit us to see the congregational spirit that matches this magnificent synagogue architectural design on a beautiful Poway hilltop in San Diego North County.
Thu, January 16 2025
16 Tevet 5785
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 4:48pm |
Friday Night Kabbalat Shabbat Services : 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
Saturday Morning Shabbat Services : 9:30am |
Bar Mitzvah Ceremony of Oberon Gordon : 9:30am |
Havdalah : 5:37pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Jan 18 Bar Mitzvah Ceremony of Oberon Gordon Shabbat, Jan 18 9:30am |
Jan 26 Ner Tamid Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, Jan 26 10:00am |
Jan 31 NTSS Shabbaton Friday, Jan 31 5:30pm |
Feb 1 Shmooze Night Motzei Shabbat, Feb 1 6:00pm |
Feb 8 Kiddish Sponsored by Liliane and Jerry Eichenbaum Shabbat, Feb 8 12:00pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Shemot
Shabbat, Jan 18 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jan 17, 4:48pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Jan 18, 5:37pm |
Shabbat Mevarchim
Shabbat, Jan 25 |
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